The Convergence Lab Members
Dr. Kassandra Ford (PI)
Dr. Ford is a recent hire in the FWCB department at UMN and the curator of Fishes and Mollusks at the Bell Museum. Her research has focused on the evolution of craniofacial shape in two groups of tropical electric fishes.
PC: Sarah Karnas
Faith Kelly (Lab Manager)
Faith is the Convergence Lab Manager and coordinator for curatorial assistants. Her scientific work examines the connection between the public and the scientific community, especially in regards to non-game fishes.
PC: Sarah Karnas
RC Hoover
RC is a PhD candidate examining head, skull, and tooth shape in a group of elongate fishes from the Pacific Northwest. His work uses CT scans, geometric morphometrics, and diet to explore the evolution of morphology.
Kassi Price
Kassi is a masters student to the FWCB Conservation Science Program! Her research interests include ecomorphology of electric fishes.
Brian Whelan
Brian is a fourth year undergraduate in Fisheries, Wildlife, & Conservation Biology BS program. He is working in the lab as a undergraduate researcher focused on dentition wear in prickleback fishes.
Sarah Adelson
Sarah is a senior in the Fisheries, Wildlife, & Conservation Science BS program. She is doing an Honors Thesis on wolffish teeth and completed an REU program at Friday Harbor Labs in Summer 2024. Her work at FHL examined social behavior in gunnels.
Lucas Florsheim
Lucas is a post-baccalaureate Curatorial Assistant, working in the Vertebrate Paleontology and Ichthyology collections. He is also working on a pilot project examining tuberculation in minnows native to Minnesota.
Owen Stephenson
Owen is a post-baccalaureate Curatorial Assistant who will be working in the Ichthyology collection.

Fish Identification Collective
Aidan Tonidandel
Brady Broking
Brian Whelan
Cristian Hernandez
Kaitlyn Johnston
Emelia Wieber
Jacob Wilson
Jonathan Wilson-Thieroff
Sean Rolstad
Lab Alumni
Ethan Haefner
Owen Stephenson