At this time I am not recruiting graduate students to join the lab.
Are you interested in joining the Convergence Lab?
Prospective Graduate Students
I will update this website about when future students may inquire about opportunities and available positions. Future prospective applicants should review my Research and Publications pages to ensure research interests match.
At this time, I will not be bringing on any new students to the lab. In the future, I will be making decisions about bringing on new students based on best research fit and funding opportunities. When opportunities arise, I will set up a Google Form you can use to get in touch with me. I will not respond to unsolicited emails from prospective graduate students, except to say that I am not taking anyone on at this time.
I will be able to bring on students through two graduate programs: Conservation Sciences (M.S. & Ph.D.) and Ecology, Evolution & Behavior (M.S. & Ph.D.). Applications are due at the end of November for a new academic year to assure maximum consideration for assistantships and fellowships. Most fellowship decisions are made by mid-January. Applications received after the deadline will be considered on a space and funds-available basis. Additional application materials are needed for international students. Additional details about applying for UMN graduate programs can be found on the program websites.
Prospective Undergraduate Students
At this moment we are full for prospective undergraduate students. Please check back later when opportunities may be posted! Thanks!
Prospective Postdocs
I am not recruiting for postdoctoral researchers at this time. Please check in future years!
Biology Graduate School Information
Like a lot of things in academia, graduate school is a black box of unknowns. This website, created by graduate students at UC-Davis, is for prospective students interested in biology-related graduate programs. There are key differences between applying for undergraduate and graduate programs. Consider reading through this website and asking questions of your mentors or advisors if you have additional questions. Check out the EEB Grad Preview.
For those interested in biology graduate research programs, plan to reach out to prospective advisors during Summer/Fall of a given year if you are interested in applying for the following academic year (ex. reach out in Summer/Fall 2024 for a Fall 2025 start).